365 Days of Love
By Amy Miller
This was how our year of 2013 was well-spent.
[caption id=“attachment_1860” align=“aligncenter” width=“550”] 67 dates.
348 days spent together.
1863 laughs.
32 special songs shared.
1.7 million kisses. (give or take a few)
And 1 especially blissful day, when we became eternal best friends.[/caption]
Happy New Year everyone! We are so excited to begin this new year together, but 2013 was a wonderful year!
When I think back on all that we did, I can’t help but feel undeniably happy. The adventures thus far have been fun, the events were exciting, and the memories are too many to count. We’ve also had really neat experiences, some that have been hard, but well worth it, and others that were not ideal, but we learned from them. Reminiscing on good times is one of my favorite things to do, because I’m able to realize how blessed I have been. This time of year is the perfect time to do that.
This year I got engaged, I married the man of my dreams, bought an apartment, got my own car, started a new job (the best job I’ve ever had), and basically begun a whole new life! With all these huge milestones that happened for us, I don’t know if 2014 can top it to be honest, but I’m excited to find out.
In turning over a new year, I always hope that I can become an even better person than I was the year before. However, there is an additional aspect to my new year’s resolutions, now. There will be goals I personally want to strive to achieve, but even more important resolutions I’ll make in striving to be a better wife. I hope that you are also thinking about what you can improve on for your spouse this year. In my opinion, this is more important than trying to read a book every month, or wanting to hit the gym five times a week. While those are great goals, and in some ways might benefit our spouses (haha), I want to focus on the things that will continually lift up my spouse. If that’s the only resolution I accomplish this year, that’s fine with me!
I can honestly tell you that this year was the best one of my life so far. I’m not sure what the future holds for us, but as long as I have Trevor by side, we can get through anything.