Because You're Worth It
By Amy Miller
Three years ago yesterday, Trevor asked me to be his wife! That was obviously a big moment for us, just as it is for any relationship. However, there were other things leading up to that moment that were also big in our relationship.
Story Time
Two weeks before he proposed I had finally decided I was ready and wanted to move to be closer to him in Provo. This was a big deal for me because exactly a year prior to that I did the same thing– move to Provo to be closer to a boy I was ready to marry. Despite how much better of a person Trevor was and how much better he treated me, making that same big vulnerable step all over again was not an easy thing to do. However, I took a good look at our relationship and remembered how much stability I felt in it, and how much different it will be. If anyone was worth making this sacrifice for it was Trevor!
Interestingly enough, Trevor was experiencing a crossroads himself during this time. He was ready and knew he wanted to be with me. He knew he wanted us to live closer to each other and he knew he wanted to marry me. But he was waiting for me to commit to it. He told me later that if I hadn’t committed to the move sooner he probably would have broken up with me! Rightfully so, haha, and here’s why:
Relationships take sacrifice no matter how difficult or emotional the sacrifice might be. By me showing him I was ready to take that leap again into a different place to live and a different job because I believed in our relationship, he then felt the courage to give me a ring :) The following weekend after he proposed I made the move to be with him in Provo and I’m so glad I did! That whole month leading up to it was very eventful and decisional, and it ultimately began with a sacrifice which then lead to the both of us willing to make more sacrifices. I believe this set the tone for our life together because we continue to love each other enough to sacrifice both the little and big things.
Love makes sacrifice easier
It’s a powerful feeling, too. You might love a hobby, a job, a place, a habit, or an object so much that you could never see yourself giving it up. And if you somehow could imagine giving it up you imagined it being the most difficult thing to deal with ever! But knowing that one of the possible rewards is a closer connection to your spouse, it can become easier to let go of. We all have these things whether they are fairly harmless or very harmful to the relationship.
I know that whatever the sacrifice might be, big or small, it can be easier to give up when you know that your spouse is worth more, even if you don’t reap that reward instantly. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s your spouse. Except for that tunnel isn’t miles away – It’s right there beside you!