Happy Opportunities
By Amy Miller
This new year has already been eventful for us. We’ve been blessed with a few opportunities and things to look forward to, and now our lives are going in a different direction, and we are very happy about it.
Exciting news to share
Trevor has chosen to start his career earlier than we planned, with a job offer from his dream job! He will be a Web Developer for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I’m so happy for him, and how hard he has worked to get here. It might sound surprising to some of you, that he’s chosen to pursue his career rather than finish school, considering he’s only 22. Most people assume that he would or should still be in school because that’s what everyone else is doing our age. However, we feel this is the best move for us. It’s actually made us feel very blessed. Especially because it means that we can afford for me to possibly quit my job and go back to school, and have more time to focus on other projects, and my health. Circumstances like this are rare among couples our age. Because of that, it can make our decision appear like it’s not a good one. But just because it’s not the norm, does it mean it’s a bad choice?
That’s the trouble with plans changing, in that it isn’t always supported by everyone, whether it’s the community, culture, family, or friends. It has put a damper on some of our excitement, sadly. I’m sure most of you have experienced this situation in your marriage where your choices and decisions are not always supported by those around you. It’s difficult. Especially while you are thinking how great it is, and others are feeling, well… the opposite.
Another example
I’m sure we’ve all known couples who decide to have a baby, or maybe find out they are having a baby and weren’t planning on it. Think of all the different thoughts people could be having about that idea.
“That’s so exciting for them!”
“They will have the cutest baby!”
“Oh man, good luck with that!”
“They are still in school, how can they afford to have a baby?!”
I think we live in a culture sometimes where we analyze other people’s decisions a lot. We look at their situation and question whether or not they are making the right decision. But is that our place to do that? No. Just because I wouldn’t want a child right now, does that mean other couples should share my same ideals? No. I’ve started realizing that it doesn’t really matter what people think, because we all have our own circumstances, with our own plans, and decisions to make, because we each have our own families to think about.
Trevor and I are just considering ourselves very blessed with our circumstances and opportunities right now. We are a couple that does our best to be grateful for what we’ve been given, and not take things for granted. We are a couple that cares about the opinions as well as the support of our family. However, most importantly, we are a couple that makes decisions with our Heavenly Father’s counsel in mind. We know our decision is right at this time, and we also know that if it doesn’t work out, we are going to be okay.