One Year
By Amy Miller
Well, Trevor and I have now been married for one year! It’s an interesting feeling of happiness, pride, excitement, and weirdness at the same time… if that makes any sense, haha. It is weird because of how quickly, yet slowly the year went by, and how different we are from a year ago! We were individuals that learned how to be one. We made plans, and some of those plans changed in unexpected ways. It’s been crazy sometimes, but I’ve loved every second of it! I think we learn more about our spouse than we knew before, and while I think this is a good thing, sadly, there are some who don’t like what they see, and they get out. That is why I think the first year can be looked at as one of the most important years in marriage.
Think about your first year of marriage
For those of you who are married, think about how your first year of marriage went. There was probably a lot of adjustments to make in getting used to living with another person, including adjusting your own habits and lifestyles. There was probably arguments had that were the first of their kind, which made it harder to know how to handle them. There were also great things about it, like learning even more new things about your spouse. You probably got to see them serve you in ways you didn’t see before, or make difficult sacrifices for you. And perhaps, through all of it, you fell in love with them even more.
Learning and moving forward
This is similar to how our first year of marriage went. We learned a lot about each other, in a good way. We encountered bumps and hills that were stressful to overcome, but we worked through it together. And I know that as we establish this pattern of overcoming these first bumps, it is building us to overcome more bumps and hills that we may encounter later on. If we don’t understand how each other handles stressful situations, and know how to work through them together, then I think those hills become harder to climb. This is what I came to know the most about our first year of marriage.
Trevor and I aren’t perfect at handling our arguments quite yet, haha. I don’t know a lot of couples that are perfect at it. However, our arguments have become easier to handle because we now understand each other better. I think we’ll continue to understand each other better, as our second year comes, as well. In our second year of marriage, I hope to know Trevor even more. I hope to understand him even more. I hope that we make even more great memories, and love each other even more.
Please share with us the things you learned, or are learning in your first year of marriage!