Top 10 Cheap Date Ideas
By Amy Miller
Life is busy.
There seems to be a never-ending list of stuff to fill our time with: work, school, errands, meal preparation, eating, sleeping, cleaning, exercise, church responsibilities, hobbies, appointments, social activities… You get the point :)
Life can easily suffocate our schedules with endless commitments without leaving time for the ones we love most. To avoid this, my wife and I have set a goal to have an official date night at least once a week. It’s usually not fancy or expensive. Our only requirement is quality time together.
So here are our top ten cheap date night ideas:
- Visit a local grocery store for some ice cream cones, or McDonald’s works too.
- Play a sport together - which for us is usually tennis, basketball, or a scooter ride
- Go on a walk
- Go to the local arcade, we like the rundown looking ones like Nickelcade or Nickel City to get more bang for our buck.
- Stream a movie or TV show… Netflix + chill!
- Go to a local concert - free or cheap
- Set up and knock down a giant set of dominoes
- Baking a treat - brownies and cookies are our favorites
- Go to the local dollar movie theater (there are very few left, but they are out there!)
And I’ve saved the best for last…
- Do something spiritual together, specifically, we like to go to a local temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Spending quality time with my wife is the highlight of my week
- (Trevor)